Thursday 13 October 2011


PK - Andy, Rina
Morgannwg - Paul, Maria
Powys - Shreya, Rhys
Gwyn - Laura
Whitaker - Albert
Tice - Tom
Sunley - Eliza

* Prefect update
* Year Rep
* Religious survey
* Parcel list
* Biofence update
* August period/ Induction Review
* Electric sockets in Whitaker
* Thematic Discussions update
* EE supervisors
* Check-in/ Code of Conduct
* Elongated beds
* ID cards
* Cinderfella

* Prefect update. Prefects: Ingvild – entertainment, Stine – food, Sam L – IT, Lily – language. Now Student Council will delegate roles to them. Mike M will send out a survey this week about IT issues.

* Year Rep. Rune will get a specification of the role of Year Rep from the Development Office so that we can elect one.

* Religious survey. The houses took the religious survey last house meeting and Andy is compiling results.

* Parcel list. Student Council decided that the parcel list should be emailed and on the noticeboard.

* Biofence update. The reason they were cut down is still unknown but the Staff are working on getting this back.

*August period/ Induction reflection update. There was a discussion held on Saturday and there will be a more formal one on the 19th October.

* Electric sockets in Whitaker. This will be discussed at the house parents’ meeting.

* Thematic Discussions. Various discussions are going on – keep reading your emails and GO AND CONTRIBUTE.

* EE supervisors. Second years have been discussing the differences in EE tutors’ style. The IB requires the tutor to see one copy so extra help is not necessary (but helpful!). First years, just make sure you ask your preferred EE tutor early.

* Check-in/ code of conduct. The Student Council agreed that there would be no way to have check-in extended on weekends. If students want to be out past check-in i.e. at the cinema, they need to get permission from their house parents. Nick Lush has also said he wants to discuss the Code of Conduct with the student body.

* Elongated beds. Dear tall people, if your feet are cold at night then your house parent may be able to provide with you a longer mattress/bed.

* ID cards. The senior staff decided to get school-specific student ID cards which can be used to prove place of residence. The ones for shop discounts etc must be bought online.

* Cinderfella. The Cinderfella entries will be decided at this week’s House meeting.


Pentti Kouri – Andy, Rina
Morgannwg – Paul, Maria
Powys – Rhys, Shreya
Gwynedd – Laura, Juan
Whitaker – Marlene, Albert
Tice – Solveig, Tom
Sunley – Diego, Eliza

* Biofence removal
* August period
* Otter pads
* Project week.
* Alternative to lost emails.
* Electrical outlets in House bathrooms.
* Reps to meet.
* Culture of swearing.                                                       
* Religious survey.
* Staff-Student Agenda

* Biofence removal. Waiting for updates and there will be a Staff meeting later this week about it.

* August period. Feedback sessions are being organised to aid improvements on next year.

* Otter Pads. Rune is investigating the infamous Otter Pads issue.

* Project Week. Discussed that it is unfair to have only two days to decide on projects for Project Week. The sign down sheets are available until Friday and it seems unlikely that this deadline can be changed.

* Alternative to lost emails. Discussed that a poster on the Canteen noticeboard could be an efficient alternative to lost emails.

* Electrical outlets in House bathrooms. Erica from Whitaker brought up the lack of electrical outlets in the bathrooms in Houses. We will look up the policy on this before further action... who uses shaver sockets anyway?!

* Reps meeting. The IT, food, entertainment and language reps will be asked to meet this Thursday at 9pm so they can organise their roles.

* Culture of swearing. It was brought up that swearing is a problem at AC. It was discussed that while this may be difficult to solve, language use is an important part of being culturally sensitive and we should try for a politer use of vocabulary. It is important also to have teachers be a part of this and maybe it could be introduced into PSHE sessions. A main problem discussed was that while it may be acceptable at AC, it is often not in the wider world and that non-natives who don’t understand the severity of the language they pick up from native speakers will pick up bad habits without realising.

* Religious survey. There will be a religious survey to make sure that there is enough support for students at AC. It was suggested that St. Donats Church could be used for interfaith dialogue, religious groups and inter-religious meetings.

* Thematic Discussions. The WiFi discussion has been organised for the 11th October, Contemporary UWC relevance for the 12th, ‘Think Global, Act Local’ philosophy for the 18th and a Service/ Induction review for the 19th.