Long Running Issues

Student Council Email Account (UPDATED 22.03.11)
The IT department indicated that they felt it was unnecessary to create an anonymous email account.
They also said that it might be possible to create a folder where people could anonymously drop off comments.

CONCLUSION: Focus will now be put on creating a folder on the network for anonymous comments. However, there has been no feedback from the IT department about establishing this as of yet.

Thematic Issues (UPDATED 22.03.11)
There are a number of issues outside of the Student Council that will be addressed this year.
A list of issues to be worked on in more specific groups of the student body has been created through discussion and voting.

CONCLUSION: The first thematic discussion on 'Social Life' will take place on Tuesday 15th March at 9pm in Languages.
The next will be run by:
Marlene and Solveig- Academics. Tuesday March 29th.
Juan, Diego and Luke- Extra-Curricular/ Mission Focus Periods. Tuesday April 5th.
Andy, Rina and Eliza- Code of Conduct. Tuesday April 12th.

2nd Year T-shirts (UPDATED 14.03.11)
The t-shirt is under creation.

CONCLUSION: Jose in charge of creating the t-shirt.

Television (UPDATED 23.02.11)
Previously, a television monitor was placed above the entrance to the kitchen, displaying the news. The monitor broke.

Request for a new monitor were rejected for cost (£400-£500)
Suggestions for a second-hand screen or moving the one in the Breakfast room right now were rejected due to logistical problems regarding the type of screen.

CONCLUSION: The TV in the Breakfast room will be switched on during every break.

Hand Sanitizers (UPDATED 23.02.11)
Students requested hand sanitizers to be made available in houses and at academic blocks.
Staff indicated reluctance as they felt that soap in the houses were easy enough to access and that it would have little effect on future virus outbreaks.

CONCLUSION: The hand sanitizer at the entrance to the kitchen would be kept full at all times and ktchen staff were asked to monitor its usage for future reference.

Doors to the Castle (UPDATED 23.02.11)
Students requested that doors to the castle, particularly the one entering form the top lawn, be opened in the morning.

CONCLUSION: Nick Lush contacted the Kitchen Porter to ensure the doors are opened.

M4 Pathway (UPDATED 22.03.11)
Students have requested that the M4 Pathway be revised, perhaps by taking the fence down or creating a new path.

CONCLUSION: This will be brought back to Staff-Student Council when the Estate Manager has decided if the farm animals will be kept or not.

Powys- Morgannwg Pathway (UPDATED 22.03.11)
Students have noted that a pathway between the two houses would be useful as especially in the Winter the ground between them in muddy and the grass destroyed.

CONCLUSION: A proper path is planned for the long term but in the meantime, Frances will talk to Estate Service about setting some large stones between the houses.

Washing Machines (UPDATED 22.03.11)
Students have complained that the standard of the machines isn't up to scratch. They have requested to know what the plan is for the future.

CONCLUSION: The school is on a contract to rent the machines for two more years and after will continue to rent. The school will look at creating a new student house which may have another washing room attached to it for all students.

WiFi (UPDATED 22.03.11)
Students have asked for the current plan concerning WiFi.

CONCLUSION: We will know more about this if the plan for all students to receive a laptop in the academic year beginning 2012 will go ahead. A faster, modernised server is a priority and will happen over Summer hopefully.

Blue Mugs in the Canteen (UPDATED 22.03.11)
The Canteen Staff have complained that too many blue mugs are going missing and this is a big problem.

CONCLUSION: Any blue mugs found should be returned to the Canteen and there should be some volunteers to look for mugs and return them. Students should not take away mugs from the Canteen.

Swap Market (UPDATED 22.03.11)
A possible idea for first year- second year bonding next year would be to ask people to bring something from their home countries which is representative of the culture and have a Glass Room Event in which stories are shared and gifts exchanged.

CONCLUSION: The Student Council will send a Welcome Letter with the Welcome Pack sent to new students which will ask students to bring items and an event will be organised for the new year.

Dialogue with Students in other UWCs (UPDATED 22.03.11)
It was suggested that we should make contact with other UWC Student Councils to find out what has worked for them and what they are currently working on.

CONCLUSION: Frances will get in contact with other UWCs' Student Councils and hopes to swap minutes with them.

National Evenings (UPDATED 22.03.11)
National Evenings have been a recent concern: they are organised with too short notice, are just about the event and aren't as informative as they could be.

CONCLUSION: Hopefully the Cultural Committee will meet and take responsibility for this. We could perhaps have a judging panel to make the evenings competitive and stretch the celebration out through the week with music, food, movies etc.

London Week (UPDATED 22.03.11)
In the past, second years have had an organised bonding trip to London in October and it was brought up that we don't have this anymore.

CONCLUSION: This was taken to the Houses and the general feedback was that it would be good but having an extended and better organised August period would be better. Aria will email Nick Lush to find out the current plan for August period.

Sick List Dinners (UPDATED 22.03.11)
Students on Sick List only receive one meal a day. It was brought up at Staff-Student Council that it may be beneficial to have an evening meal as well.

CONCLUSION: This will be taken back to the next Staff-Student Council after responses that was a big issue. The current proposal seems to be that having stocks of food that the House Parent could cook or keep for another time would be the best solution.