Tuesday 22 January 2013

Student Council 21.01.13


Formal Replacement of House Reps       

Finance and Fundraising Committee

Roommate Questionnaire

Night Van

College Meeting

AC Newsletter


Formal Replacement of House Reps – It was decided that, in an effort to combat house reps missing Student Council and Staff-Student Council meetings, there will now be an automatic impeachment of a house rep who misses 3 meetings, without notice or reason,  during their term.  If the house rep is impeached a new rep will be elected however the impeached house rep may run again for election. The Vice-Chair is responsible for taking attendance and informing the reps in concern of their absence while the Chair is in charge of authorising absence.


Finance and Fundraising Committee – There was a discussion about who should be elected for the FFC and how but no conclusion was formed.  Mike, Corinne, Juan Jose and Tomas will be holding a meeting and discussing how the representatives for this committee should be chosen. Please email/speak to them if you are interested in having your opinion about the process.


Roommate Questionnaire – Hana Bracale wanted to collect a census of how students would feel about a form, along with the joining letters, that 0-years would fill out about cleanliness, sleeping habits, the nationalities students feel they truly represent etc.  The house parents could then use this after having chosen students to put people in dorms.  Some people disagreed with this idea stating that we are here to learn to live with people and cooperate however others believed that, medically, this could be quite important for people with sleeping disorders or other problems.  Nick Lush will be informed of this discussion.


Night Van – The idea of a free van from Llantwit during nights and when there is a gap in the bus/kitchen van schedule could be useful so students don’t have to call individual taxis or wait in the cold or walk back alone.  Some students felt this would be an inefficient use of financial resources while others decided that it could be a very useful and effective idea.  House reps will discuss this in house meetings on Sunday but if you would like to share your opinion speak to Hana Bracale.


College Meeting – TOMORROW 6:30pm.  The agenda has been sent out: Pastoral Survey, Pre-IB Implementation, Future of I.T. in the College, Community Engagement. Thank you for responding to the survey.   


AC Newsletter – This will be implemented by the new Chair and Vice-Chair, potentially in April.

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