Tuesday 29 January 2013

Student Council 28.01.13


Pastoral Survey

New effort grade system

Predicted Grades

General House response to Night Van and Roommate Questionnaire

Use of Assembly

Post Check-in Social Activities

Night train

Selection process for AC (including Pre-IB)


Pastoral Survey –We discussed whether or not Houseparents should see the written results from the survey. We came up with two options to suggest to Nick Lush. 1) Email the survey before the Sunday so people have the chance to type their responses and spend time on the survey, if it is not completed by house meeting they will be expected to hand write it. 2) It is made clear to students that Houseparents will be seeing the results of the survey, not just the generalised version from Nick Lush.


New effort grade system – Clarification was asked for. These new letters are simply to make a greater distinction between students. Pupils should ask their teachers directly how to achieve the effort grade they want.  Effort grades are not sent to parents or universities, they are for personal improvement.


Predicted Grades – It might not have been entirely clear that second years have a second set of predicted grades next Monday which WILL be sent to universities however first years have been sent a program of when predicted and monthly grades  are distributed and therefore this confusion will be avoided in the future.


General House response to Night Van and Roommate Questionnaire – Most houses did not agree with the idea of a roommate questionnaire because It was felt that students should be challenged to live with people who are dissimilar to themselves.  However, for medical reasons or cases of multiple nationalities perhaps an extra question on the joining forms should be added.  For the Night Van it was agreed that it is probably not financially viable and that students can contact the school directly if they are stranded in Llantwit when there is snow or other bad weather.  The idea of a school sponsored bus back from Marcross was proposed but the discussion concluded that this would not be a responsible thing to ask the staff nor would the school want to come across as encouraging drinking etc.


Use of Assembly – To motivate the student body to attend assemblies it was said that announcements should be as creative as possible and for people to only speak up if there is something that can’ be said on an email.


Post Check-in Social Activities – Perhaps we can ask for a post-check in activity once a month. Social reps could organise this.


Night train – This will be discussed further at a later date however maybe we could have a trial weekend with this ‘night train’ in effect.


Selection process for AC (including Pre-IB) – It was suggested that the students should have a greater involvement in the selection of IQ students. Perhaps there could be an informal conversation, either face to face or via Skype, by a small committee of AC students so that we could get a sense of the personality of a prospective pupil.  That committee could then present a brief report to Nick Lush to help him make his decisions.

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