Wednesday 7 December 2011

Student Council Minutes 05.12.11.

PK – Maisie, Andy
Morgannwg – Sara
Powys – Shreya, Rune
Gwynedd – Karl
Whitaker – Tim, Albert
Tice – Emma, Michael
Sunley – Eliza, Theo
1.       Health Centre
2.       Night Staff
3.       Board of Governors’ Meeting
4.       Printing Credits
5.       Drunk Dorm-mates
6.       Alternative punishments
7.       Games with Frances

Health Centre. Something should be posted outside the Health Centre door, in houses and at the Dining Hall if the nurses aren’t there and emails should be sent around.

Night Staff. There has been problems with contacting Night Staff in emergencies in the past. It was suggested that in very dangerous situations we should be able to wake up House Parents. Walky-talkies which would be connected to the phone number available to students was suggested. This issue will go to Staff-Student Council next term. It was also clarified that they can enter dorms if they have complaints concerns from other students, health reasons (drunk/ill) or there is suspicion of rule-breaking. If you are uncomfortable with knowing when the Night Staff might come into your dorm, ask your House Parents for clarification and to inform you if they do it regularly.

Board of Governors’ Meeting. We took the current position on the IT discussion, the possibility of a student representative in Governor meetings, a summary of Student Council minutes, the question of the direction the school is going in and the balance between academics, service, mission etc. to the meeting which was very positive and minutes of this will follow.

Printing Credits. Second years were wondering if it would be possible to have extra printing credits to print coursework at the end of term. Ask your teachers who can contact IT to arrange this so that they don’t have to deal with students emailing them all their coursework.

Drunk dorm-mates. The question is whether students should tell on drunk dorm-mates or not, especially in cases where their safety is at risk. This will be taken to Staff-Student Council and we will discuss the issue with Nick Lush at another time and bring it up in the alcohol discussion next term.

Alternative punishments. Alternatives to current punishments for drinking and smoking were discussed. This discussion will continue next term. Current suggestions are collecting rubbish from fields etc., collecting cigarette ends and packets, detention. It was discussed whether there should be a standard procedure or whether it should be case-specific.