Saturday 4 February 2012

Student Council Minutes 30.01.12.

Yearbook photo.
Food Reps.
Printing credit update.
Coffee Lounge.
Staff-Student Council agenda.

Prom. The date for prom may be the 31st March but is not yet set for sure.
Constitution. Bill emailed our proposed questions and changes to Nick Lush. We will finalise this at Staff-Student Council.
Yearbook photo. Yearbook photo next Monday for House Reps old and new.
Food Reps. Anantya, Frederik, Kiera, Amy, Einar and Siobhan are the new Food Reps. Gwynedd will have theirs next week.
Printing credit update. Nick Lush said the reason we don’t have as many credits this term is because several years ago students wanted more in third term instead of fourth.
Coffee Lounge. We will work the heads of Coffee Lounge about the possibility of selling school supplies there.
Laundry. If we have problems with the laundry machines, there is a poster behind the washing machines that say where we should call. It is a free number and we can make complaints directly. They will be renewing the contract with the machines next year. FIRST YEARS, DON’T LET THEM DO IT. GET GOOD ONES. Ollie has called the laundry company about the current problem with the dryers.
Elections. We accepted all of the candidates who applied to run for Chair and Vice-Chair.