Friday 17 August 2012

Student Council 15.08

General Discussion about:
Role of StuCo
Plans for this year
 Issues from ‘the Booker’:
Attendance System
Carrel Units

Role of Student Council- We are first and foremost a communicative measure between staff and students. We are not going down a ‘project route’ or ‘making more work for ourselves’ by encroaching on other people’s initiatives such as social events etc. Big issues should come to Student Council to be brought to staff while smaller problems should be directed to reps where possible.

Ethinical Diversity in Student Council - Someone suggested that perhaps Student Council wasn’t ethnically diverse or welcoming. It has been agreed that house reps are not people there to represent their country or ethnicity but are there to represent their house. In this way ethnicity is a non-issue. However, non-natives or the shyer people of the house should be encouraged by house reps to come to Student Council, to run for roles if they would be appropriate and to share their school related issues. Student Council is a place where students of all ethnicities and backgrounds are welcome and house reps and second years should ensure that everyone, especially first years coming in, are aware of this.

Malpractice- To limit malpractice Dave has instructed that a common formatting system is used for all future essays and coursework. The Chicago Manual of Style will be the shared citation and referencing method from now on to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Attendance System - This year attendance will be noted for all codes, activities and service sessions. Basically, just show up when and where you’re supposed to be and all will be well.

Carrel Units- This is an issue every single year. Our main points: Feel free to go and use any carrel unit space but be respectful if someone else’s books are on that desk.  Don’t kick someone out who is using a carrel unit space even if you have ‘claimed it’. Everyone is free to use every space because study areas are limited. The long term plan is to build a second year study unit but until this can happen please be fair and open. (Any Suggestion for fair Carrel Unit distribution is welcome).

Thanks for reading!  

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Back to School - 15/08/2012

Hi everyone,
Back to school and enjoying August Period! But it's also back to work. Tonight is the first Student Council meeting of the new school year and I'll be updating asap about the changes, plans and general discussion that takes place.

Watch this space
(that rhymed...)