Saturday 29 September 2012

Student Council 17th September

Wi-Fi survey

Computer Lab Opening


Student Led-Project week

John Walmsley’s email

Hacking of I.T. System

Student Council Communication

Dave and Coursework Calendar


Wi-Fi Survey- IT reps will be sending a survey soon about your views on Wi-Fi at the college. Mike Manning will also circulate information from last year’s discussion and survey.

Computer Lab-  If the computer lab is closed during the weekend see the kitchen porter through the back door, next  to laundry, and ask for the key. If this is not possible you can call Nick Lush (whose phone number is always on the duty cover list).

Letter - Ricardo is meeting Nick Lush today (Tuesday) to set standards for letters sent home concerning sex.

 Student Led Projects- Second years this is mainly an opportunity for you. If you have any ideas or thoughts about projects you want to run talk to Mariana and/or Karl. The project submissions deadline will be October 15th (subject to change).

 John Walmsley's email-We want to take action against unacceptable inappropriate and embarrassing drunken behaviour. Student Council will be writing a letter to the resident who complained recently expressing our deepest apologies plus indicating that we will be doing a litter pick this weekend. We would also like to send a separate letter/email to the Llantwit community to apologise again. Please be sensible for the rest of your time at AC and in the future where alcohol and the community is concerned.

 Hacking of IT System - Anyone with any information regarding this issue please go see David Hills or Nick Lush because the computers in the house are incredibly necessary.

 Student Council Communication-House reps will have more communication amongst themselves to ensure that all points from Student Council are covered in house meetings on Sundays.

 Coursework Calendar - The coursework calendar that Dave explained last assembly is an IB deadline calendar that may be flexible in only extreme cases.

 Police- Ricardo, Mariana and Karl will talk to senior management to clarify the situation with the police on campus last weekend.

Next Student Council: October 1st
Staff Student Council: 3rd October