Tuesday 4 December 2012

Student Council 03.12.12


Honour Code

Student Police

Gwynedd Alarms

Tice Door

Window Restrictors


Attendance Records

ICT Steering Committee

Finance and Fundraising Committee

Pastoral Survey


Honour Code – There was an enormous amount of discussion about this ranging from having a school based, unwritten honour code to a house specific honour code. The final ideas that were decided upon for further debate were; a house based code, a school wide code, a combination of both house and school based codes or have the houses come up with their top ten values for an honour code and create a school wide honour code based on the values which are the same for each house.


Student Police – David Lankes will be describing this idea at 5pm in the Great Hall. Please attend to be informed because there will be a vote on this next term. Isaac Urner will also be there to talk about the Honour code.


Gwynedd Alarms – The pitch is ridiculously high and the volume too loud. Students have complained and we will be bringing this to staff-student council tomorrow.


Tice Door – Students argue that the back door to Tice should be un-alarmed as it is the only house with apparent justification for this. Nick Lush has already spoken to Tice house about this issue however the students feel that the decision is unfair. It will be brought to staff-student.


Window Restrictors – After complaining that the window restrictors did not allow enough air it has become clear that no course was taken to relieve this discomfort relating to lack of air flow. Tim and Shanna will see John Walmsley to get some action about this problem.


Pre-IB – Our response to this program and John’s information email will be dealt with at a later date.


Attendance Records – Some students would like the attendance records on reports to be more clear and state exactly what code/activity/service session was missed. The arguments for this are that we need to make sure teachers are completing the attendance records correctly, there should be more transparency and parents should be aware of what their children are missing. This will be brought to staff-student.


ICT Steering Committee – This body is formed with Dave Booker, John Walmsley, Sally Norris, Margot McIntyre and David Hills. It deals with technology issues around the school. The minutes are available on mackerel, see Michael Manning’s email.


Finance and Fundraising Committee – Corinne and Mike spoke to John about this idea. He outlined a committee of 12-14 members who would attend 2 meetings a term with senior management. They would be trained by Nick Martin to understand the necessary economic terms. The committee would discuss finances, potential donors to the college and look to inform the student body about what the money the college receives goes towards.


Pastoral Survey – There was a lot of confusion about what this survey would be used for, where it would go, who would read it etc. Some students didn’t feel entirely comfortable knowing their house parent may read their comments and therefore could not be completely honest. Students also felt that we have the right to review the survey to ensure it is not biased of looking for specific answers. We will ask about this at staff student. It was also noted that the survey only happens every two years and perhaps it should be more frequent. We would like to be informed of the general results of the surveys e.g. are students happy with health centre?


Staff-Student Council will be tomorrow at 9pm in the Great Hall, anyone is free to attend.



Student Council xx