Wednesday 21 September 2011


PK – Andy, Rina
Morg – Paul
Powys- Shreya, Rhys
Gwyn – Juan, Laura
Whit – Marlene, Albert
Tice – Solveig, Miriam
Sunley – Eliza, Diego

* Marie-Sophie
* Biofence removal
* August period review
* Otter pads
* Rep lists
* Internet review
* Integration of first years into Student Council

* Marie- Sophie. Second years can now get their overall predicted grades (out of 45) and subject-specific ones only if it is necessary for the course they are applying to. This will be taken away again if students start pushing teachers for higher grades. Predicted grades should also not really be shared between students.

* Biofence removal. We are still waiting on feedback from Staff about the reasons for the biofence removal.

* August period review. Student Council discussed how would be best to organise feedback on August period, Service week and Induction. Details to be arranged.

* Otter pads. Rune will talk to the Porter to get more information about the Otter pad issue (!)

* Internet review. The Governors made it clear that they were interested in what the students thought about the issue of the internet in AC. Student Council decided to contact other UWCs and ask them how their WiFi/ laptop system effect their experience.

* Integration of first years into Student Council. It is typical that there are lots of ideas in this term and the second years don’t have time to pursue them. This is a great time to . Different ways of integrating first years were discussed – creating a ‘Sub-Student Council’ as a task force or simply asking first years put themselves forward to take on responsibilities.


PK – Rina, Andy
Morg – Paul, Maria
Powys –  Shreya, Rhys
Gwyn – Laura, Juan
Whit – Marlene, Albert
Tice – Solveig, Miriam
Sun – Diego, Eliza
Tom Blackwood
Paul Motte
Adrian Disney
Nick Lush

* August period/ first year induction review.
* Student IDs.
* Otter pads.
* House bank times.
* Breakfast times.
* Carrel Units.

* August period/ first year induction review. August period/ first year induction review. The Staff agreed that feedback would be really useful and that this should happen as soon as possible. We should also include induction feedback from a second year perspective.

* Student IDs. The main reason for wanting IDs seems to be problems when travelling. This can be helped by having an ISIC card which the school can help you get. Other ID cards which help getting a
railcard or when shopping etc can be bought on the internet for around £8. The fact that this should be better publicised was discussed – perhaps in the student handbook or the joining papers especially so that students could get their flight to AC cheaper when coming for the first time. The acceptance letter issued by the school can be used as a form of ID when travelling but some students have had problems when coming back after their first flight.

* Otter pads. The new paper we have is sustainable. There is less paper available because it is more expensive but it is hoped that this will encourage students to use the paper more responsibly.
House bank times. Paul will ask the House Bank to change their opening times. This has been done and an email was sent out, confirming times.

* Breakfast time. Breakfast will be open until 8:10 from now on, like last year.

* Carrel Units. Nick said he would ask the cleaners to clear the desks in all Carrel Units and not just some, which has happened so far. Students are allowed to leave their books on the shelves but it is at their own risk. Students should be reminded that no one can claim a Carrel Unit and these spaces must be shared and respected. The Student Council are working with the Staff to try and think of the best solution to this problem. Some suggestions included: opening up new units, investing money into the rooms currently unusable as Carrel Units, getting an estimate of the shortfall on Carrel Units and finding out exactly who wants one so that they could be assigned on a room as opposed to student basis.

* Nick Lush asked us to remind students that there were bottles found in fields surrounding the College which, especially during harvest season, are incredibly damaging to machines, crops and consumers. There was also a sock found on the smoke detector in S13 Carrel Unit.

* Paul Motte commented that the Governors had very positive responses to the Glassroom Event. We will try to do this twice a year as a social event. Students should be reminded that this should be a social event and not a means for students to bypass the Senior Staff with their views.


PK- Andy, Rina
Morg- Maria
Powys- Rhys, Shreya
Gwyn- Laura
Whit- Marlene, Albert
Tice- Miriam, Solveig
Sunley- Diego, Eliza

* Bio-fence/ diversity area removal.
* August period/ first year induction review.
* AC IDs.
* Blue muggin’.
* Reppin’.
* Save the Otters.
* Integration of first years.
* Board of Governors.
* Student Council email.
* Carrel Units.
* Wifi.

* Bio-fence/ diversity area removal. Two weeks ago, several biodiversity areas (protected areas for nature to be undisturbed) around Campus were cut down. There is a rumour that it was due to their appearance during weddings. However, they were only cut down when there were two weddings left in the season. The Student Council wants to know why this happened and Estate and Sustainability Council are working on this.

* August period/ first year induction review. Students felt that there needed to be a review of
August period and first year induction to improve them for next year. This could be organised within Services, year groups or smaller, mixed groups. Progress will be made within the next couple of weeks.

* AC IDs. Identification which would be helpful for students when travelling through Customs to get to AC and needing to prove their purpose was suggested.

* Blue muggin’. Just a reminder to ask students to put the blue mugs back when they are finished with in the Canteen so as not to repeat last year’s issue.

* Reppin’. The system for Reps to increase the work done between Houses and to ensure that Student Council aren’t dealing with issues that should be done by Reps is being created. We hope to expand this so that each set of Reps will have an email group.

* Save the Otters. Paul Lau will do some more investigating into why the stationery has been changed from Otter pads.

* Integration of first years in Student Council. The Student Council is working on ways to integrate first years to get their input, feedback, help them pursue their ideas more efficiently.

* House bank. Student Council discussed when would be the ideal times for House Bank to open.

* Board of Governors. The Board have recently shown they are very interested in what we are doing as a student body and feedback to them is much appreciated. Stephen Cox agreed that it is important to find a new focus for the College, set up in a Cold War context, to understand the positives and negatives of life at the College and to encourage the less vocal voice of the Student body, which is usually the majority.

* Student Council email account. This is a (very) long running issue – having a way for students to communicate anonymous messages to the Student Council i.e. concerning less popular student opinion. The Student Council decided to try and organise something without the IT department.

* Carrel Units. Carrel Units are not to be claimed. Students can leave their belongings on the shelves in the room. A solution to this problem is still being discussed. Suggestions have included opening more Units, assigning people to a room as opposed to a spot and finding out who exactly wants a Carrel Unit.

* WiFi. First years should know about the WiFi. Coffee Lounge promoting themselves to say they will have wireless. Said they have tried this and it crashed. Need to talk to senior management if they want to do this. School want to be laptop school with wireless bubble.

* Staff-Student Council Agenda.
·         August period / first year induction reflection (Bill).
·         AC IDs (Laura).
·         Otter pads (Paul).
·         House Bank times (Maria).
·         Morning breakfast hours (Rune).
·         Carrel Units update (Tom).