Wednesday 21 September 2011


PK – Andy, Rina
Morg – Paul
Powys- Shreya, Rhys
Gwyn – Juan, Laura
Whit – Marlene, Albert
Tice – Solveig, Miriam
Sunley – Eliza, Diego

* Marie-Sophie
* Biofence removal
* August period review
* Otter pads
* Rep lists
* Internet review
* Integration of first years into Student Council

* Marie- Sophie. Second years can now get their overall predicted grades (out of 45) and subject-specific ones only if it is necessary for the course they are applying to. This will be taken away again if students start pushing teachers for higher grades. Predicted grades should also not really be shared between students.

* Biofence removal. We are still waiting on feedback from Staff about the reasons for the biofence removal.

* August period review. Student Council discussed how would be best to organise feedback on August period, Service week and Induction. Details to be arranged.

* Otter pads. Rune will talk to the Porter to get more information about the Otter pad issue (!)

* Internet review. The Governors made it clear that they were interested in what the students thought about the issue of the internet in AC. Student Council decided to contact other UWCs and ask them how their WiFi/ laptop system effect their experience.

* Integration of first years into Student Council. It is typical that there are lots of ideas in this term and the second years don’t have time to pursue them. This is a great time to . Different ways of integrating first years were discussed – creating a ‘Sub-Student Council’ as a task force or simply asking first years put themselves forward to take on responsibilities.

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