Wednesday 24 October 2012


Student Responsibility

Curriculum time

Alarms on Doors


John’s Suggestion

Staff Student


Student Responsibility – While the staff need to show us that they are willing to communicate and compromise we need to show them that we are mature enough to deal with negotiations and not act rashly.  We also talked about proving a ‘new beginning’ with a litter pick, an apology to the neighbour, discussion on the forms of punishment (alternatives to gating), a community event at AC.


Curriculum time – Tim and Shanna went to a meeting with the faculty heads and spoke about the student view while encouraging the staff strongly to get rid of this concept. The staff view on the abolishment of curriculum time was delivered also and their arguments were concerning structure, commitment and the value of the co-curricular program. Schedule changes and structures to the day may be changed so as to allow for a greater amount of initiative time.


Alarms on Doors – Students are upset because they feel as though we have been very flexible with regards to this issue and we have been ignored. The alarms ARE coming on but, once we exemplify our responsibility we will be in a better position to negotiate for changes such as extended check-in, a ‘night train’ etc. Come up with ideas for us to propose!


Communication – We need to put more effective forms of communication in place. Many things were proposed (please take a look!) : 2 whole school assemblies a term for discussion, the ability to propose emergency whole school assemblies. Making assembly on Monday’s compulsory. Perhaps changing the form or the use of assembly so that it is discussion based as opposed to announcement focussed. Put in the joining papers for first years the recent changes that they are likely to hear about. Monthly student council presentations to the entire school.


John’s Suggestion- Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan was shot as a result of her pleas for education. She is now being hospitalised in Birmingham. John suggests we should write a whole school letter to her and potentially offer her a scholarship to Atlantic College.


Staff Student – The agenda for tonight’s Staff-Student Council has been emailed but we also hope to discuss: Attendance and a community event at AC. Remember: 9pm, Great Hall.


House reps bring back to houses –RECYCLE YOUR BOTTLES.




Tuesday 16 October 2012

Student Council 15.10.2012


Student Council Blog

Letter Home

Curriculum time

Cultural Sensitivity

Teacher evaluation

Strategic Plan Review

Big Booker Campaign


Student Council Blog – People may have forgotten but there is a blog that has the student council minutes from the most recent to a few years ago. Take a look J:


Letter Home- Nick implied that a standard could be set for letters among Houseparents that would ensure the gender of a sexual partner after being caught having sex would not be disclosed. Tim and Shanna will follow up.


Curriculum time – Tim and Shanna saw Nick about this issue but because John and Dace were not present an official decision could not be established. We would like to abolish ‘curriculum time’ between the hours of 7-9 based on the principle that students should be responsible for their own study time and, while they should not fail to meet obligations, initiatives are convenient at this time and should be allowed.


Cultural Sensitivity- As house reps stated at house meetings, please make sure that you are being sensitive to other cultures with regards to jokes about sex.


Teacher evaluation – Mariana and Leila went to see Dave about possible obtaining more frequent teacher evaluations. Dave said that this may not happen however there are plans for senior staff and heads of faculties to sit in on lessons in order to review the teachers.


Strategic Plan Review- The student perspective of the strategic plan has been completed and will be sent out today. We will then organise a time for John to go through his plan for the whole school so people are aware of changes to come.


Big Booker Campaign – There has been controversy surrounding this poster campaign and, while some of the points are valid, we would like to move forward in a constructive way that voices the concerns of the student body to the staff and affects changes in issues such as communication. Whole school meetings are being planned for twice a term in the future and this may allow for improved communication. In addition, we need to make sure that student council is utilised to its full potential so, if you have any concerns, complaints, comments etc. please do not hesitate to tell your house rep or attend student council! Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Student Council 08.10 (Funny Hat Theme!)


Strategic Plan: A Student Perspective


Co-Curricular Time

Sexual Harassment

Teacher Evaluation

Tim’s Idea


Strategic Plan: A Student Perspective – Thank you for all your comments and discussions. The document will be written this week, hopefully completed by next Student Council.


Letter- Tim and Shanna will go see Nick Lush about setting standards for what is stated in the letter sent home if caught having sex.


Co-Curricular Time- We have all seen Nick Lush’s email and the feedback at Student Council was that the free time (study time/curricular time…whatever) should not be overly- controlled. However, this does not mean that students should plan an excess of events during ‘curriculum time’ or that people should respect their commitments e.g. service and activities to go to extra initiatives or activities. Tim and Shanna will see Nick, Dave and John about this issue.


Sexual Harassment – Be aware of different cultures and sensitivities when making references to or joking about sex.


Teacher Evaluation – Maybe we should make the teacher evaluations more frequent to ensure our views about teachers and their styles of teaching are heard. Mariana and Leila will see Dave Booker about this issue today.


Tim’s Idea – To give the student body greater responsibility concerning the hiring of new teachers by way of a discussion based panel and an equal voting system. To be discussed and explained further.