Tuesday 9 October 2012

Student Council 08.10 (Funny Hat Theme!)


Strategic Plan: A Student Perspective


Co-Curricular Time

Sexual Harassment

Teacher Evaluation

Tim’s Idea


Strategic Plan: A Student Perspective – Thank you for all your comments and discussions. The document will be written this week, hopefully completed by next Student Council.


Letter- Tim and Shanna will go see Nick Lush about setting standards for what is stated in the letter sent home if caught having sex.


Co-Curricular Time- We have all seen Nick Lush’s email and the feedback at Student Council was that the free time (study time/curricular time…whatever) should not be overly- controlled. However, this does not mean that students should plan an excess of events during ‘curriculum time’ or that people should respect their commitments e.g. service and activities to go to extra initiatives or activities. Tim and Shanna will see Nick, Dave and John about this issue.


Sexual Harassment – Be aware of different cultures and sensitivities when making references to or joking about sex.


Teacher Evaluation – Maybe we should make the teacher evaluations more frequent to ensure our views about teachers and their styles of teaching are heard. Mariana and Leila will see Dave Booker about this issue today.


Tim’s Idea – To give the student body greater responsibility concerning the hiring of new teachers by way of a discussion based panel and an equal voting system. To be discussed and explained further.

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