Tuesday 13 November 2012

Student Council 12/11/12

Follow ups
Governors meeting
Community Engagement Activity
David’s Plan
Honour Code
Post alarm nightriding
Curriculum Time Debate
Pre-IB discussion
UWC Exchange program
IQ Selection process
Night train
House rep elections
Staff student agenda
Follow ups – Laundry machines don’t take foreign coins, please be respectful to the kitchen ladies and the Wi-Fi survey will be coming out by Friday this week.

Governors meeting – the governors are coming to the school on Monday the 26th November. House reps will be meeting them in the Great Hall at 6pm that day. For all other students we are planning a ‘mingling’ event for that evening which will allow you to ask the governors questions and get to know them a little bit.

Community Engagement Activity – The concept is to enhance student responsibility through letters, community events, general helpfulness e.g. helping the Llantwit community with their gardens and the roads etc. This activity may start next term.

David’s Plan –. We need the students to rely on each other to behave responsibly while still having fun. David’s idea is to introduce ‘Student police’ (the name is susceptible to change) who would be two elected students in each house that would be exhibiting behaviour that other students could follow in such a way that it would limit the number of people ‘crossing the line’. If there was a serious breach of responsibility the student police would then report the act/s to staff. There was a lot of discussion about this and David has agreed to answer questions about the idea so email him with pressing queries. He will be composing a more formal proposal for a trial period of this plan.

Honour Code – Isaac has brought this idea forward. The Honour code is a more flexible and student enforced version of the code of conduct where misbehaviour is incredibly negative and students who partake in breaking the ‘honour code’ are dealt with by different levels of the student body. This idea could work in coalition with David’s ‘student police’.

Post alarm nightriding – The question of punishment for nightriding was raised now that the alarms have been put on. We have decided not to question whether the punishment for leaving the house after check in has changed but rather clarify what the punishment for vandalising, breaking or manipulating security equipment is.

Curriculum Time Debate – A formal debate will be proposed to Dave Booker for all students to attend. The idea is that Dave and the students will have a formal debate about this issue so that the student body and the staff can see arguments from both sides. There would then be an informal poll at the conclusion of the meeting to see whether opinions have changed and what the consensus is. We have yet to ask Dave.

Pre-IB discussion – We would like to form a report that states our concerns about the program but, because we do know that the Pre-IB course will be coming, the report would also include very concrete requests, suggestions and ways in which the implantation of the Pre-IB course will be formed to our preferences where possible.

UWC Exchange program – Phillipa and Ricardo have talked to John about this with positive response and they will create a proposal.

IQ Selection process – Phillipa will investigate what the current IQ selection process is and look into ways of standardising it.

Night train – We would like to trial this idea but there have been arguments from night porters that it is not in their job description and a change in their job would mean a change in contracts etc. Ricardo will talk to the night porters, John and Nick about trialling this idea.

House rep elections – This Sunday (18th November 2012) your elections for new house reps will take place. Thank you so much to the house reps who have worked in the student council presenting your views for the last year!

Staff student agenda – This will be sent out today. Staff Student Council is tomorrow (Wednesday 14th November) at 9pm in the Great Hall. ALL are welcome.

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