Friday 25 February 2011


Paul Motte has given his apologies
Tristian Stobie
Nick Lush
Adrian Disney
Pentti Kouri- Rina, Jose
Morgannwg- Paul, Laura
Powys- Rhys
Gwynedd- Nabeel, Keigo
Whitaker- Marlene
Tice- Solveig
Sunley- Diego

- Bringing back the TV screening news and photos that was previously in the area before the canteen.
- Making sure the door by the Top Lawn is opened each morning.
- Putting hand sanitiser in the houses.

Television Monitor. This was unfortunately broken and a new one would cost £400-500. Suggestions such as a second hand screen and moving the one currently in the Breakfast Room were offered but were revoked because of logistical problems such as types of screen. It was discussed that people wouldn’t stop in the queue to watch the screen so it wouldn’t be the most effective. It was suggested that switching the one on every break in the Breakfast Room would be of the greatest ease if another screen wasn’t possible. The Staff agreed that this was currently the best idea.
Hand sanitiser. Bottles in the houses and by the academic blocks were requested. Nick Lush spoke to Maria about this today and they decidedthat there wasn’t much point as there is already easy access to soap in the houses. The effectiveness of this when living in such close proximity and because the nature of the virus wasn’t involved with contagion as opposed to infection. It was suggested that keeping the one by the canteen full would be most useful. They decided this was the best idea, as well as asking the Staff in the canteen to monitor its usage.
Door next to Top Lawn. Nick Lush has already emailed the relevant people to make sure it is opened each morning (it is in fact the Kitchen Porter that opens all the doors in the morning and not the Night Staff.
Nick Lush wanted to remind everyone of the discussion for 1st years in the Dining Hall on Monday. He said that as we are the year group that will be taking control of initiatives next year, he would like us to email more ideas so that we could construct a calendar of events and to encourage our first years to do the same in the future.

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