Tuesday 22 March 2011


Pentti Kouri- Rina, Jose
Morgannwg- Paul, Laura
Powys- Rhys, Jawad
Gwynedd- Nabeel
Whitaker- Marlene, Lala
Tice- /
Sunley-  JP

* Student Council email
* Glassroom follow-up
* Theft
* Meeting with Chiel
* Nabeel/ Second years

Instead of an anonymous Student Council email, the IT technicians say it would be better to set up a page in resources where students can drop anonymous comments for the Council. They said that an email was unnecessary and this way, as long as it is kept relevant, there can be free and anonymous discussion about issues. They will look into setting this up. Anonymous messages can also be put in Bill or Frances’ (D and H) pigeon holes.
Glassroom Events. The school would like to see more events like Global Café taking place.
Theft. The problem has improved throughout the year but is still evident. It was felt that the Code of Conduct’s lack of emphasis on this matter was the main problem and needs to be looked at to be re-written. Perhaps if people felt there was a specific punishment which would be more severe they would be discouraged to do it.
Bill met with Chiel to discuss possible new initiatives. Some (of the many!) were:
- Creating a newsletter for the Board each term for their meetings (next is April 3rd) - they can know what we’re working on.
- We should ask second years in House Meeting about the best way to treat and integrate first years. Last year there was a World Cafe in May and then again in August period.
- National Evening. We need to re-organise the way these are run- perhaps through the Cultural Committee. National Evenings could be made competitive with a team (perhaps the Cultural Committee) judging them. They should be arranged with more time in hand and there should be more done throughout that week to show the cultural group’s culture such as music in the Canteen, themed food, a movie etc.  
- There should be more dialogue with Student Councils around UWCs to find out what initiatives are going on around the various colleges. Could trade Council minutes and ask UWCs about what initiatives etc work/ haven’t worked for them.
- Swap market. We could have a Glassroom event where everyone brings a gift from their country. Students then trade gifts several times while telling the stories about where they came from.
- Mix-up lunches. Every now and then teachers should spread around the tables and we should make an effort to talk to people we don’t usually.
L This is the last Student Council for both Nabeel and all of the second years- except Jawad for a few more weeks.

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