Wednesday 30 March 2011

Student Council 28.03.11

Pentti Kouri- Rina, Andy
Morgannwg- Aria, Paul
Powys- Jawad, Rhys
Gwynedd- Juan Carlos, Laura
Whitaker- Albert
Tice- Solveig
Sunley- Eliza, Diego

* Nick Lush got back about London Week
* IT Update
* Printing Credits
* Thematic Discussion
* Water in the afternoons in the Castle
* Extending check-in times on weekdays
* Sally/ Sue University Emails
* Prisoners’ Courtyard
* Monthly Glassroom Feedback
* Blue mugs

London Week. Previously there was an organised trip to London for second year bonding after the EE deadline but this has since been removed to allow for Diploma Periods and the long weekend. The calendar draft for the next three years is unchangeable and Nick Lush suggested that we get creative in thinking of ways to bring second years closer instead. The possible actions brought up by the Student Council were to have a World Café, assembly or Thematic Discussion. It will go into the Thematic Discussion on Pastoral Care and a World Café is another likely possibility.

IT Update. David Hill, head of IT, will come to Student Council next week to discuss proposals such as new computers, printing credits and anonymous email.

Printing credits. There have been complaints saying that there are not enough printing credits, particularly for printing in colour. Currently it costs £1 for 20 credits but students are wondering if it would be possible to lower this or lower the amount of credits needed for a colour print. This was asked for last year and the second years were given a further fifty credits. Students would also like to know if it would be possible to keep their unused printing credits for the following term.

Thematic Discussion. Bill is working on the results from the last discussion on Social Life. The main topics were: alcohol centralism, isolated social groups, first year integration and the usage of Sosh and the role of House parents.The following discussion was led by Marlene and Solveig and discussed Academics. Overall, the results of the discussions have been positive but it has been felt that there is not enough time in the session to discuss everything necessary.

Water available at all times in the Castle.There is currently no available safe water in the Castle during the afternoon so the Student Council will ask the Administration if the drinks area of the Canteen can be left open during the afternoons. This would be beneficial to students, particularly in exam periods and in the summer.

Sally/ Sue Universities- Recently, there has been a serious problem with emails from universities getting bounced back because of full inboxesand therefore the students never receive the information. The Student Council will discuss if there is a way around this with David Hill.

Prisoners’ Courtyard. The Kitchen Staff have complained that the area outside of the Dining Hall is not being left in a suitable condition. If this continues, the Kitchen Staff will take action.

Monthly Global Café Feedback.The majority of houses said that they would like a Global Café around twice a term- one near the beginning and one near the end. TBA at Staff-Student Council.
EDW.Students should be reminded that the EDW rule still applies and that the College is dedicated to simple living and respecting the wealth of backgrounds we have at the College. Second years must set a good example for current first years who must do the same next year.

Blue mugs. The blue mugs must still be returned to the Canteen. However, watch this space for an exciting mug collecting venture.
Check in-times extended on a weekday. We will take to Staff-Student Council the possibility of extending check-in times on a weekday if you can prove you are studying in the Library.

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