Tuesday 22 March 2011


Pentti Kouri- Rina, Andy
Morgannwg- Aria, Paul
Powys- Rhys,
Gwynedd- Laura, Juan
Whitaker- Albert, Marlene
Tice- Miriam, Solveig
Sunley- Diego, Eliza

-          Introduction to new Student Council representatives
-          Student Council email
-          Culture Rep update
-          Thematic Discussions
-          Year poster
-          Dorm systems next year
-          London week

Welcome to the new Student Council representatives: Andy, Aria, Laura, Juan, Albert, Miriam and Eliza.
Student Council email. A Student Council email is probably a more long-lasting and efficient option than what currently seems likely- a folder set up on Mackerel- which will, however, be more private and mean that hopefully the less vocal voice of the Student body will be heard. To remind students that there is a place for this cause, the link will be sent out with each set of minutes.
Diego will email Laura and Sheila (Heads of the Cultural Committee) to ask about any current plans for it in terms of meetings, a national evenings discussion and a Saturday night events discussion.
Thematic Discussions.These entail looking at issues that are of a larger scale and length than most of the issues discussed in Student Council. The topic will be Social life and relevant Staff and Students with experience or particularly strong opinions on this will be invited to give small speeches as well as the Students being able to input. The student body needs to ensure that it is putting as much of its feeling, thought and opinion as possible into the fundamental issues of the school.
Year Poster. All houses who voted said that they would still like a year poster but some said they would like something in addition.
Dorm System next year. The Students would like to know how the dorms will work next year. There has been some speculation about choosing dorms, choosing partners and being put into dorms, giving an ideal dorm and then having it worked around etc. This will be taken to the House Parents’ Meeting to make sure that there will be a common system for all houses.
London Week. According to second years, there was a week last year when there was an organised trip to London for their year group for bonding and the new timetable means that this isn’t happening anymore. Some people are wondering if it would be possible to bring this back as new arrangements such as the shortening on August period have already cut down on bonding time as a year group.

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