Tuesday 22 March 2011


Pentti Kouri- Rina, Andy
Morgannwg- Paul, Aria
Powys- Jawad, Rhys
Gwynedd- Juan, Laura
Whitaker- Marlene, Albert
Tice- Solveig, Miriam
Sunley- Diego, Eliza

Questions for Principal Candidates
Sick List Dinner Feedback


Questions for Principal Candidates.The Committee have spent the afternoon working hard to organise the questions and have compiled a list of both general and candidate-specific questions.The Student Council looked over the planned questions and gave feedback and a final set of questions was decided.

Sick List Dinner Feedback. House feedback suggests that this is something many people want. The predominant idea was that food such as soup and pre-packed meals would be good because they are cheap, long-lasting and reduce food wastage because they can be returned to the store if not eaten. This matter will be taken to the Food Reps and back to Staff-Student Council.

London Week Feedback.The general consensus was that it would be better to have an extended August period than to have London week. London week was both a bonding opportunity for second years and an incentive to finish the EE before the deadline. It was brought up that August period needed to be better planned, with time between the end of service and the first years arriving and with services doing equal amounts of service. This will go back to Staff-Student.

Thematic Discussions. The next Thematic Discussions will be run by the following people. Report to them with any ideas you may have.
Marlene and Solveig- Academics. Tuesday March 29th.
Juan, Diego and Luke- Extra-Curricular/ Mission Focus Periods. Tuesday April 5th.
Andy, Rina and Eliza- Code of Conduct. Tuesday April 12th.

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