Sunday 10 April 2011

Student Council 04.04.11

Pentti Kouri-Rina, Andy
Morgannwg- Aria, Paul
Powys- Rhys, Shreya
Gwynedd- Laura, Juan
Whitaker- Albert, Marlene
Tice- Miriam, Solveig
Sunley- Eliza

* Student consensus on Dorm System
* House Reps
* Carrel Units for First Years
* Board of Governors and IT
* Academics Discussion
* Social Centre
* TVs in the Language Department

* House roles. The Student Council discussed the fact that there is ambiguity in terms of the roles of the Rep roles within the Houses. They discussed creating an official guidance document for the basic roles such as Food, IT etc for next year so that the Reps can be more active and co-ordinate actions together. Perhaps there could be a Rep Committee to organise how Reps will work next year.

* Carrel Units for First Years. There is currently a problem with first years not having anywhere to study. It was discussed that it may be possible to have Carrel Units for first years but as there are currently not enough for second years and there is little time left, there isn’t much point.

* Board of Governors and IT. David Hills is setting up the anonymous Student Council drop-in folder and giving feedback to Student Council about current issues.

* Academics Discussion. This happened this week and Marlene and Solveig have given the results to Bill who is creating a summary of the Thematic Discussions with a clear list of aims.

* Social Centre. The Gym will be upgraded with new equipment. The Coffee Lounge will be combined with the Bar upstairs. There will hopefully be a Dance Studio created.

* TVs in Language department. We discussed moving the Language Department TVs as they are not currently used but there doesn’t seem to be anywhere suitable.

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