Wednesday 13 April 2011

Student Council 11.04.11

* Eco-Student Council
* Laptops for Students

* The Student Council and Sustainability Council are currently discussing how best to ensure that the two are not working completely independently and whether having someone from the Sustainability Council coming to Student Council to vote on Environmental issues would be a good solution to this.

* Laptops for Students in the Academic Year 2012.

Positives of this plan discussed:
-          Modernises the College. There is a lot of pressure from other international schools with better facilities. We need to remain competitive and forward-thinking.
-          Can only get WiFi with this plan as it is too complex to provide it for everyone otherwise.
-          Have to think about the future- what will future generations at AC need?

-          What is the £200,000 going to be spent on this Summer if there’s going to be so much invested in this plan? Why are we modernising now if this plan will occur?
-          Majority of student body already has laptops.
-          Money should be focused in other areas: UWC related initiatives, scholarships, Castle and House maintenance.
-          Social, economic and educational repercussions involved with everyone using their computer all the time.

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