Tuesday 17 May 2011

Pentti Kouri- Rina, Andy
Morgannwg- Paul, Aria
Powys- Rhys
Gwynedd- Juan
Whitaker- Marlene
Tice- Solveig
Sunley-Eliza, Diego
Paul Motte
Tristian Stobie
Adrian Disney

Subject Summary Sheets.
Tutor System.
Workshops/ Induction period Non-Native help.
Transparency in Monthly Grades.
Social Centre.
Code of Conduct.

Subject Summary Sheets. A recent topic of discussion has been a need for clearer information about subjects at the beginning of the year, particularly when Students are still settling into their timetable. This would be efficient and mean that Students could organise themselves more quickly and find out if a subject is right for them. It should be a listof the topics, resources, assessment criteria and help etc for their subject. Tristian says he will look into getting this done.

Tutor System. Some students have issues concerning the disparity within the current Tutor System. Students feel like a good Tutor-Student relationship is very important and that this is not available to all students currently. The Administration said they would try to address this by emphasising what they have done in the past which is to recognise which Tutorial style works best and try and increase this across the Campus. They will also emphasise the importance of regular Tutorials. However, it should be remembered that any specific problems regarding Tutors should be reported to Tristian.

Non-native Workshops during Induction period.The Administration is keen to arrange these and there is plenty of space in the programme for them to be run.The new English B teacher has been recruited for ESL skills and so non-native support should increase next year.

Transparency in monthly grades.This is linked to the issue of the Tutor System. The main conclusions were that there should be more detail put in the monthly feedback, we should meet with Tutors after we have received the grades from our Teachers and had time to discuss them. If it is not currently clear how a grade is calculated, Tristian should be contacted.A System in which Students were notified of their grades at the same time and in the same way should be established but this is an on-going project as it is difficult to do.

Social Centre.The main decisions taken so far have been to have mirrors, blinds and a dance bar in Sosh and putting Sofas where the bar area upstairs is. The Administration is keen to improve the amount of exercise and physical activities taking place on Campus and use the Social Centre in a more efficient and diverse way.

Code of Conduct. The main changes to the Code of Conduct this year have been to help create a common system throughout all UWCs. They worked on this mainly last year and this year sees mainly slight tweakings. Absences from codes will now be recorded on Reports. The College is obliged to report excessive absence to Universities and this change will not affect the current system. The reason for this change was mainly because there appears to be a correlation between grades and students being taken away from the College for long periods of time.

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