Tuesday 17 May 2011

Main Changes to the Code of Conduct this year.

·         UWC Common Code of Conduct updated
·         Alcohol only allowed for 18+ on licensed premise
·         Alcohol no longer allowed with house parents.
·         ADDED: Excessive consumption of alcohol may lead to suspension
·         Possession of spirits will, in most instances, lead to suspension but not automatically
·         Smoking still not allowed in general.
·         People caught smoking in a building or tampering with fire equipment automatically suspended.
·         Students smoking near a building may be suspended.
·         ADDED: All absences authorized and unauthorized to be recorded on students reports at the end of each term
·         Students no longer required to wake up during exam period
·         Students 'should' not visit other dorms after check-in but no longer banned
·         During exam period, lights out and wake-up no longer enforced
·         Recognized that computers switch off at midnight
·         Gated redefined as not allowed to leave 'their student House' as opposed to previous definition of ‘campus’

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