Wednesday 18 January 2012

11.01.12 Staff-Student Council

John Walmsley
Alcohol review
Alcohol alternative initiatives
Light outside Bradenstoke
Face-to-Face activities
Printing credits
Night Staff contact

John Walmsley. Is excited to work with us J

Alcohol review. The date for the Alcohol review is Thursday 26th January 4:30 – 5:30pm in the Bradenstoke Hall. New suggestions of how this should be run were that we could have a plenary when the break-out groups come back together and that this could perhaps be on another day. IF YOU WANT TO LEAD A DISCUSSION (ANYONE IS WELCOME TO, ON ANYTHING) then come to Student Council on Monday, just for five minutes. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK J

Alcohol alternative initiatives. The problem with having alternatives to alcohol at AC is that we tend to talk about them more than do them. Sarah Hamilton has come up with a Social Rep scheme 
- 2 Social Reps from each house
- Elected by the House Parents and next year with input by the current Social Reps
- They will be responsible for whole school events as opposed to the Entertainment Reps who are responsible mainly for in-house activities
- They will create a calendar of events to add to the diary to make sure there are always fun alternatives to the pub at the weekend.

Bikes. Students have had bikes/ bike parts stolen over break. We have four bike-sheds and we suggested putting gates with locks on them. The Staff suggested the crime was less during term time and that bikes be stored in the houses over breaks.

Light outside Bradenstoke. Will be sorted by the end of the week and there is also now one on the concrete path up from the seafront.

Face-to-Face Activities. We discussed whether more face-to-face activities would be possible. The problem is having enough transport. We suggested that Services focus on increasing the amount of face-to-face i.e. MEMS working Brownies and more one-off sessions like litterpicks, story reading etc. One of John’s aims was to have more contact with local schools . The netball team in Llantwit and Transition Llantwit – a sustainability project say that AC students are always welcome. Also, if students can organize events the school are happy to support them.

Printing credits clarification. Different amounts of printing credits are given depending on how much coursework the term has i.e. third term has most credits. IF STUDENTS NEED THINGS PRINTING FOR ACTIVITIES, STUDENTS SHOULD EMAIL ELECTRONIC COPIES OF THE DOCUMENT TO ADRIAN WHO WILL PRINT.

Maintenance. The ‘maintenance book’ idea or a similar system should be organised with the Maintenance Staff.

Night Staff contact. The Staff and Night Staff agree that Night Staff contact in an emergency is a problem and think a pager or a walky-talky linked to the main phone system is the most likely solution. The Senior Staff said that in a real emergency it is acceptable to contact any member of staff on campus.
There is no mobile coverage on 2/3 campus which is a problem in emergencies. Maintenance are looking at introducing walky - talkies which can be contacted from any internal phone and also at pagers similar to ILB have. In terms of ambulance and medical response, there is no way we can increase how outside people can get to us as we are so remote but the current response time is around 45 minutes and the Staff consider that to be fairly good.

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