Wednesday 18 January 2012

Student Council Minutes 16.01.12.

- Breakfast room TV
- Student Council efficiency
- CCTV camera
- Mocks and midterm reports
- Heating in the Carrel Units and History
- Maintenance
- University letters opened

- Breakfast room TV. The TV is currently not working but we think it will be resolved soon.
- Student Council efficiency. We should be aware of bringing up topics that are not relevant to Staff-Student Council and to waste time repeating topics in both Student and Staff-Student Council. If we better organise tasks for individuals to do then we can solve this problem.
- CCTV camera. The camera the school intend to implement is only to film the outside gate to look at who is entering the school that shouldn’t be. It will probably only checked when police involved and is not to catch night-riders or monitor students. The other entrance to the school is locked at night.
- Mocks. Mocks are: the only occasion apart from the IB we can do every paper we will take; harder than the real IB as we have less time; so that we don’t get too confident and revise hard enough; in case we can’t enter the real exam (medical reasons etc.) the grades can be used to predict us a final grade. Midterm reports are: grades for third term, some teachers consider mock grades to be a part of these.
- Heating in the Carrel Units and History. It is cold. Frances will email Nick Lush.
- Maintenance. New suggestion (check last week’s minutes) to make maintenance jobs in houses more efficient. There will be a meeting for the Maintenance Reps on the 24th at break in the Great Hall and houses should elect first year reps if the second year reps don’t want to be involved.
- University letters. University letters have been found opened in pigeon holes. These are private letters. Frances will ask Sally if they can be kept in the ACO for us to collect instead.
- Alcohol review. This is not about attacking the Code of Conduct; it is about what we can do as students to change the social aspects of the drinking culture. There will be break-out groups similar to in the Conferences (small discussion groups led by voluntary student/staff leaders) and notes of the discussions will be taken to find what we can do to solve the issues. There may be some standardised questions for all groups and then all of the feedback will be put in one final document.
Currently the suggested break-out groups are:
Drunk dorm-mates – whether it is your responsibility to contact a member of staff if you are worried about a dorm-mate/friend.
Punishments – what alternative and more constructive punishments may be for those caught drinking and whether punishment for under and over-age drunkenness should be different and how so.
Alternatives to drinking – what the most successful alternatives would be which would be fun on the weekend. Could there be more sports events in particular, as these are good at bringing all of the school together.
Origin of extreme cases – Like hospitalisation and parties which get out of hand, why do they happen?
Geography – where does the drinking take place and what are the implications of this?
First year spread – what the impact of first years starting to drink is. Why and how it happens. What can be done to those who come to AC as drinkers and influence others? Why is drinking expected and why does it become a habit?
What do non-drinkers do at the weekends?

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