Tuesday 4 December 2012

Student Council 03.12.12


Honour Code

Student Police

Gwynedd Alarms

Tice Door

Window Restrictors


Attendance Records

ICT Steering Committee

Finance and Fundraising Committee

Pastoral Survey


Honour Code – There was an enormous amount of discussion about this ranging from having a school based, unwritten honour code to a house specific honour code. The final ideas that were decided upon for further debate were; a house based code, a school wide code, a combination of both house and school based codes or have the houses come up with their top ten values for an honour code and create a school wide honour code based on the values which are the same for each house.


Student Police – David Lankes will be describing this idea at 5pm in the Great Hall. Please attend to be informed because there will be a vote on this next term. Isaac Urner will also be there to talk about the Honour code.


Gwynedd Alarms – The pitch is ridiculously high and the volume too loud. Students have complained and we will be bringing this to staff-student council tomorrow.


Tice Door – Students argue that the back door to Tice should be un-alarmed as it is the only house with apparent justification for this. Nick Lush has already spoken to Tice house about this issue however the students feel that the decision is unfair. It will be brought to staff-student.


Window Restrictors – After complaining that the window restrictors did not allow enough air it has become clear that no course was taken to relieve this discomfort relating to lack of air flow. Tim and Shanna will see John Walmsley to get some action about this problem.


Pre-IB – Our response to this program and John’s information email will be dealt with at a later date.


Attendance Records – Some students would like the attendance records on reports to be more clear and state exactly what code/activity/service session was missed. The arguments for this are that we need to make sure teachers are completing the attendance records correctly, there should be more transparency and parents should be aware of what their children are missing. This will be brought to staff-student.


ICT Steering Committee – This body is formed with Dave Booker, John Walmsley, Sally Norris, Margot McIntyre and David Hills. It deals with technology issues around the school. The minutes are available on mackerel, see Michael Manning’s email.


Finance and Fundraising Committee – Corinne and Mike spoke to John about this idea. He outlined a committee of 12-14 members who would attend 2 meetings a term with senior management. They would be trained by Nick Martin to understand the necessary economic terms. The committee would discuss finances, potential donors to the college and look to inform the student body about what the money the college receives goes towards.


Pastoral Survey – There was a lot of confusion about what this survey would be used for, where it would go, who would read it etc. Some students didn’t feel entirely comfortable knowing their house parent may read their comments and therefore could not be completely honest. Students also felt that we have the right to review the survey to ensure it is not biased of looking for specific answers. We will ask about this at staff student. It was also noted that the survey only happens every two years and perhaps it should be more frequent. We would like to be informed of the general results of the surveys e.g. are students happy with health centre?


Staff-Student Council will be tomorrow at 9pm in the Great Hall, anyone is free to attend.



Student Council xx

Thursday 15 November 2012

Staff Student Council 14.11.12


AC Community Engagement Activity

Honour Code

UWC Exchange Program

Pre-IB Response

Small issues with alarms

Tracking System


AC Community Engagement Activity- This activity will be proposed next term and may work with current systems. The idea is to encourage and implement student responsibility within the Llantwit community. The activity would write letters, organise community events and offer help for general requests such as gardening.


Honour Code – Isaac Urner has brought this to the council. The concept here would be that the students would abide by a ‘moral code’ which would act below the code of conduct. It could change the mentality and culture of AC regarding certain issues and allow positive peer pressure to be applied. There are concerns that the group would become too ‘police’ like or that it would be difficult to impose however the suggestion has been met with general positivity and will be looked into further.


UWC Exchange Program – Phillipa Hawke and Ricardo Tuma are looking for ways to increase communication and relationships with other UWC’s so as to encourage interaction and support the ethos. Potentially, students would visit other UWC’s either during term time, project week or holidays. The students would pay for the experience themselves and may have to undergo an application process. The issue here would be the practicality of missing school and the effect therefore on the students IB. The idea will continue to be developed and a formal proposal will be written.


Pre-IB Response – There is a split among the students between those who have accepted the Pre-IB program but who would like to ensure we are deeply involved in its inception and those who oppose the idea entirely. We, as the Student Council,  will be forming a document that expresses our main concerns with the course (e.g. integration, teaching time) and express how we would like to see the program develop.


Small issues with alarms – Difficulties with the alarms such as beeping throughout the night, arriving to school from holiday very late in the evening and contacting the night porters from outside the houses to open the doors will be looked into.


Tracking System – Students wanted clarification about what information was seen on this new tracking system. Dave and Nick have explained that every student has an individual profile where information such as attendance, grades, reports, medical files and more are stored. However, certain information can only be accessed by specific people therefore keeping what should be confidential private.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Student Council 12/11/12

Follow ups
Governors meeting
Community Engagement Activity
David’s Plan
Honour Code
Post alarm nightriding
Curriculum Time Debate
Pre-IB discussion
UWC Exchange program
IQ Selection process
Night train
House rep elections
Staff student agenda
Follow ups – Laundry machines don’t take foreign coins, please be respectful to the kitchen ladies and the Wi-Fi survey will be coming out by Friday this week.

Governors meeting – the governors are coming to the school on Monday the 26th November. House reps will be meeting them in the Great Hall at 6pm that day. For all other students we are planning a ‘mingling’ event for that evening which will allow you to ask the governors questions and get to know them a little bit.

Community Engagement Activity – The concept is to enhance student responsibility through letters, community events, general helpfulness e.g. helping the Llantwit community with their gardens and the roads etc. This activity may start next term.

David’s Plan –. We need the students to rely on each other to behave responsibly while still having fun. David’s idea is to introduce ‘Student police’ (the name is susceptible to change) who would be two elected students in each house that would be exhibiting behaviour that other students could follow in such a way that it would limit the number of people ‘crossing the line’. If there was a serious breach of responsibility the student police would then report the act/s to staff. There was a lot of discussion about this and David has agreed to answer questions about the idea so email him with pressing queries. He will be composing a more formal proposal for a trial period of this plan.

Honour Code – Isaac has brought this idea forward. The Honour code is a more flexible and student enforced version of the code of conduct where misbehaviour is incredibly negative and students who partake in breaking the ‘honour code’ are dealt with by different levels of the student body. This idea could work in coalition with David’s ‘student police’.

Post alarm nightriding – The question of punishment for nightriding was raised now that the alarms have been put on. We have decided not to question whether the punishment for leaving the house after check in has changed but rather clarify what the punishment for vandalising, breaking or manipulating security equipment is.

Curriculum Time Debate – A formal debate will be proposed to Dave Booker for all students to attend. The idea is that Dave and the students will have a formal debate about this issue so that the student body and the staff can see arguments from both sides. There would then be an informal poll at the conclusion of the meeting to see whether opinions have changed and what the consensus is. We have yet to ask Dave.

Pre-IB discussion – We would like to form a report that states our concerns about the program but, because we do know that the Pre-IB course will be coming, the report would also include very concrete requests, suggestions and ways in which the implantation of the Pre-IB course will be formed to our preferences where possible.

UWC Exchange program – Phillipa and Ricardo have talked to John about this with positive response and they will create a proposal.

IQ Selection process – Phillipa will investigate what the current IQ selection process is and look into ways of standardising it.

Night train – We would like to trial this idea but there have been arguments from night porters that it is not in their job description and a change in their job would mean a change in contracts etc. Ricardo will talk to the night porters, John and Nick about trialling this idea.

House rep elections – This Sunday (18th November 2012) your elections for new house reps will take place. Thank you so much to the house reps who have worked in the student council presenting your views for the last year!

Staff student agenda – This will be sent out today. Staff Student Council is tomorrow (Wednesday 14th November) at 9pm in the Great Hall. ALL are welcome.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Student Council 05.11.2012



Wi-Fi Survey

House Rep Election

John’s Letter to Parents

Curriculum Time

Roof Climbing

Strategic Plan

Alarms on Doors and representation of Student Body

 IQ selection and screening

night train

Exchange program


Laundry – If a machine breaks put a sign on it immediately to tell others it is out of order then email Ollie Williams and it will be serviced. Also, do not try and use foreign coins in the machine, it blocks them and causes moderate chaos.


Wi-Fi Survey – There will be a meeting on Wednesday to discuss survey questions, ask your IT rep for more info.


House Rep Election – Elections will take place on Sunday 18th November. So firsties, start writing your speeches! (ask your house reps for more details)


John’s Letter to Parents – Over the break John sent a letter to all parents about the college, its progress and its future. If you have not seen it maybe ask your parents to scan and send you a copy. The student body has felt badly represented by this letter which appears to disregard or ignore some of the issues the school has been facing and the student response to these problems. We, as the student council, would like to form our own letter to parents giving them an update from our perspective.


Curriculum Time – Again we discussed the wide variety of reasons for and against curriculum time. We would like to propose to Dave that we hold an open debate about this issue and then take a poll in houses to see the general consensus about how the students feel and what should be done.


Roof Climbing – House reps will reiterate in house meetings that this should NOT be done. The cost to the school to repair the castle after roof climbing is absurdly expensive and the dangers regarding injuries for the students should also act as a deterrent.


Strategic Plan – Today at 5pm in Bradenstoke come and discuss John Walmsley’s plan based on the student perspective we sent out to all. (attached is the copy).


Alarms on Doors and representation of Student Body – Student may have felt under-represented by Student Council. A meeting was held before half term to address these concerns. We will wait and see what happens after a few weeks of the alarms before looking again at this situation.


IQ selection and screening – Is the IQ selection process too dissimilar across the globe? Phillipa and Ricardo want to look into a way of standardising this process if there is not one already.


Night train- Ricardo and Phillipa have had this idea that would enable ‘legitimate nightriding’. They have seen John Walmsley about it today and will report back next Monday.


Exchange program – To encourage and facilitate the UWC movement Ricardo and Phillipa wanted to look into starting an exchange program between UWC’s and their students. It would make the movement less fragmented potentially and we could learn from each other.



Wednesday 24 October 2012


Student Responsibility

Curriculum time

Alarms on Doors


John’s Suggestion

Staff Student


Student Responsibility – While the staff need to show us that they are willing to communicate and compromise we need to show them that we are mature enough to deal with negotiations and not act rashly.  We also talked about proving a ‘new beginning’ with a litter pick, an apology to the neighbour, discussion on the forms of punishment (alternatives to gating), a community event at AC.


Curriculum time – Tim and Shanna went to a meeting with the faculty heads and spoke about the student view while encouraging the staff strongly to get rid of this concept. The staff view on the abolishment of curriculum time was delivered also and their arguments were concerning structure, commitment and the value of the co-curricular program. Schedule changes and structures to the day may be changed so as to allow for a greater amount of initiative time.


Alarms on Doors – Students are upset because they feel as though we have been very flexible with regards to this issue and we have been ignored. The alarms ARE coming on but, once we exemplify our responsibility we will be in a better position to negotiate for changes such as extended check-in, a ‘night train’ etc. Come up with ideas for us to propose!


Communication – We need to put more effective forms of communication in place. Many things were proposed (please take a look!) : 2 whole school assemblies a term for discussion, the ability to propose emergency whole school assemblies. Making assembly on Monday’s compulsory. Perhaps changing the form or the use of assembly so that it is discussion based as opposed to announcement focussed. Put in the joining papers for first years the recent changes that they are likely to hear about. Monthly student council presentations to the entire school.


John’s Suggestion- Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan was shot as a result of her pleas for education. She is now being hospitalised in Birmingham. John suggests we should write a whole school letter to her and potentially offer her a scholarship to Atlantic College.


Staff Student – The agenda for tonight’s Staff-Student Council has been emailed but we also hope to discuss: Attendance and a community event at AC. Remember: 9pm, Great Hall.


House reps bring back to houses –RECYCLE YOUR BOTTLES.




Tuesday 16 October 2012

Student Council 15.10.2012


Student Council Blog

Letter Home

Curriculum time

Cultural Sensitivity

Teacher evaluation

Strategic Plan Review

Big Booker Campaign


Student Council Blog – People may have forgotten but there is a blog that has the student council minutes from the most recent to a few years ago. Take a look J: http://notenoughminutesintheday.blogspot.co.uk/


Letter Home- Nick implied that a standard could be set for letters among Houseparents that would ensure the gender of a sexual partner after being caught having sex would not be disclosed. Tim and Shanna will follow up.


Curriculum time – Tim and Shanna saw Nick about this issue but because John and Dace were not present an official decision could not be established. We would like to abolish ‘curriculum time’ between the hours of 7-9 based on the principle that students should be responsible for their own study time and, while they should not fail to meet obligations, initiatives are convenient at this time and should be allowed.


Cultural Sensitivity- As house reps stated at house meetings, please make sure that you are being sensitive to other cultures with regards to jokes about sex.


Teacher evaluation – Mariana and Leila went to see Dave about possible obtaining more frequent teacher evaluations. Dave said that this may not happen however there are plans for senior staff and heads of faculties to sit in on lessons in order to review the teachers.


Strategic Plan Review- The student perspective of the strategic plan has been completed and will be sent out today. We will then organise a time for John to go through his plan for the whole school so people are aware of changes to come.


Big Booker Campaign – There has been controversy surrounding this poster campaign and, while some of the points are valid, we would like to move forward in a constructive way that voices the concerns of the student body to the staff and affects changes in issues such as communication. Whole school meetings are being planned for twice a term in the future and this may allow for improved communication. In addition, we need to make sure that student council is utilised to its full potential so, if you have any concerns, complaints, comments etc. please do not hesitate to tell your house rep or attend student council! Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Student Council 08.10 (Funny Hat Theme!)


Strategic Plan: A Student Perspective


Co-Curricular Time

Sexual Harassment

Teacher Evaluation

Tim’s Idea


Strategic Plan: A Student Perspective – Thank you for all your comments and discussions. The document will be written this week, hopefully completed by next Student Council.


Letter- Tim and Shanna will go see Nick Lush about setting standards for what is stated in the letter sent home if caught having sex.


Co-Curricular Time- We have all seen Nick Lush’s email and the feedback at Student Council was that the free time (study time/curricular time…whatever) should not be overly- controlled. However, this does not mean that students should plan an excess of events during ‘curriculum time’ or that people should respect their commitments e.g. service and activities to go to extra initiatives or activities. Tim and Shanna will see Nick, Dave and John about this issue.


Sexual Harassment – Be aware of different cultures and sensitivities when making references to or joking about sex.


Teacher Evaluation – Maybe we should make the teacher evaluations more frequent to ensure our views about teachers and their styles of teaching are heard. Mariana and Leila will see Dave Booker about this issue today.


Tim’s Idea – To give the student body greater responsibility concerning the hiring of new teachers by way of a discussion based panel and an equal voting system. To be discussed and explained further.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Student Council 17th September

Wi-Fi survey

Computer Lab Opening


Student Led-Project week

John Walmsley’s email

Hacking of I.T. System

Student Council Communication

Dave and Coursework Calendar


Wi-Fi Survey- IT reps will be sending a survey soon about your views on Wi-Fi at the college. Mike Manning will also circulate information from last year’s discussion and survey.

Computer Lab-  If the computer lab is closed during the weekend see the kitchen porter through the back door, next  to laundry, and ask for the key. If this is not possible you can call Nick Lush (whose phone number is always on the duty cover list).

Letter - Ricardo is meeting Nick Lush today (Tuesday) to set standards for letters sent home concerning sex.

 Student Led Projects- Second years this is mainly an opportunity for you. If you have any ideas or thoughts about projects you want to run talk to Mariana and/or Karl. The project submissions deadline will be October 15th (subject to change).

 John Walmsley's email-We want to take action against unacceptable inappropriate and embarrassing drunken behaviour. Student Council will be writing a letter to the resident who complained recently expressing our deepest apologies plus indicating that we will be doing a litter pick this weekend. We would also like to send a separate letter/email to the Llantwit community to apologise again. Please be sensible for the rest of your time at AC and in the future where alcohol and the community is concerned.

 Hacking of IT System - Anyone with any information regarding this issue please go see David Hills or Nick Lush because the computers in the house are incredibly necessary.

 Student Council Communication-House reps will have more communication amongst themselves to ensure that all points from Student Council are covered in house meetings on Sundays.

 Coursework Calendar - The coursework calendar that Dave explained last assembly is an IB deadline calendar that may be flexible in only extreme cases.

 Police- Ricardo, Mariana and Karl will talk to senior management to clarify the situation with the police on campus last weekend.

Next Student Council: October 1st
Staff Student Council: 3rd October

Friday 17 August 2012

Student Council 15.08

General Discussion about:
Role of StuCo
Plans for this year
 Issues from ‘the Booker’:
Attendance System
Carrel Units

Role of Student Council- We are first and foremost a communicative measure between staff and students. We are not going down a ‘project route’ or ‘making more work for ourselves’ by encroaching on other people’s initiatives such as social events etc. Big issues should come to Student Council to be brought to staff while smaller problems should be directed to reps where possible.

Ethinical Diversity in Student Council - Someone suggested that perhaps Student Council wasn’t ethnically diverse or welcoming. It has been agreed that house reps are not people there to represent their country or ethnicity but are there to represent their house. In this way ethnicity is a non-issue. However, non-natives or the shyer people of the house should be encouraged by house reps to come to Student Council, to run for roles if they would be appropriate and to share their school related issues. Student Council is a place where students of all ethnicities and backgrounds are welcome and house reps and second years should ensure that everyone, especially first years coming in, are aware of this.

Malpractice- To limit malpractice Dave has instructed that a common formatting system is used for all future essays and coursework. The Chicago Manual of Style will be the shared citation and referencing method from now on to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Attendance System - This year attendance will be noted for all codes, activities and service sessions. Basically, just show up when and where you’re supposed to be and all will be well.

Carrel Units- This is an issue every single year. Our main points: Feel free to go and use any carrel unit space but be respectful if someone else’s books are on that desk.  Don’t kick someone out who is using a carrel unit space even if you have ‘claimed it’. Everyone is free to use every space because study areas are limited. The long term plan is to build a second year study unit but until this can happen please be fair and open. (Any Suggestion for fair Carrel Unit distribution is welcome).

Thanks for reading!  

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Back to School - 15/08/2012

Hi everyone,
Back to school and enjoying August Period! But it's also back to work. Tonight is the first Student Council meeting of the new school year and I'll be updating asap about the changes, plans and general discussion that takes place.

Watch this space
(that rhymed...)

Saturday 4 February 2012

Student Council Minutes 30.01.12.

Yearbook photo.
Food Reps.
Printing credit update.
Coffee Lounge.
Staff-Student Council agenda.

Prom. The date for prom may be the 31st March but is not yet set for sure.
Constitution. Bill emailed our proposed questions and changes to Nick Lush. We will finalise this at Staff-Student Council.
Yearbook photo. Yearbook photo next Monday for House Reps old and new.
Food Reps. Anantya, Frederik, Kiera, Amy, Einar and Siobhan are the new Food Reps. Gwynedd will have theirs next week.
Printing credit update. Nick Lush said the reason we don’t have as many credits this term is because several years ago students wanted more in third term instead of fourth.
Coffee Lounge. We will work the heads of Coffee Lounge about the possibility of selling school supplies there.
Laundry. If we have problems with the laundry machines, there is a poster behind the washing machines that say where we should call. It is a free number and we can make complaints directly. They will be renewing the contract with the machines next year. FIRST YEARS, DON’T LET THEM DO IT. GET GOOD ONES. Ollie has called the laundry company about the current problem with the dryers.
Elections. We accepted all of the candidates who applied to run for Chair and Vice-Chair.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Student Council Minutes 23.01.12.

PK – Andy, Maisie
Morg - Sara
Powys – Gerry
Gwynedd – Juan, Karl
Whitaker – Tim, Albert
Tice – Miriam, Emma
Sunley – Eliza, Theo

* Calendar.
* Constitution.
* Alcohol review.
* Kitchen van etiquette.

Calendar. We decided that the potential Chairs and Vice-Chairs will run on the 31st January and be elected by the 6th February, Peer Listeners by 18th March, House Reps by 25th March and the rest of the Reps by 1st April.
Constitution. There’s a document that defines how Student Council is set up. Changing – Secretary to Vice Chair, coordination of various House Rep systems – more responsibility but if operating can save us time in future. VICE-CHAIR IS SPELLED WITH A HYPHEN. Can we extend Board of Governors’ student representative on Academics, Pastoral etc meetings?
Alcohol review. AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JTopics so far are alternative punishments, drunk dorm-mates, alternatives to drinking/ what non-drinkers do, origin of extreme cases, how the culture of it spreads to first years and where it takes place. Each group will produce a summary of what they have concluded so that everyone can know all of the results. BE THERE.
First code free. Having to leave the house even if you have first code free, is not because of the cleaning ladies but  people skipping codes – Staff find people do it less with this rule.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Student Council Minutes 16.01.12.

- Breakfast room TV
- Student Council efficiency
- CCTV camera
- Mocks and midterm reports
- Heating in the Carrel Units and History
- Maintenance
- University letters opened

- Breakfast room TV. The TV is currently not working but we think it will be resolved soon.
- Student Council efficiency. We should be aware of bringing up topics that are not relevant to Staff-Student Council and to waste time repeating topics in both Student and Staff-Student Council. If we better organise tasks for individuals to do then we can solve this problem.
- CCTV camera. The camera the school intend to implement is only to film the outside gate to look at who is entering the school that shouldn’t be. It will probably only checked when police involved and is not to catch night-riders or monitor students. The other entrance to the school is locked at night.
- Mocks. Mocks are: the only occasion apart from the IB we can do every paper we will take; harder than the real IB as we have less time; so that we don’t get too confident and revise hard enough; in case we can’t enter the real exam (medical reasons etc.) the grades can be used to predict us a final grade. Midterm reports are: grades for third term, some teachers consider mock grades to be a part of these.
- Heating in the Carrel Units and History. It is cold. Frances will email Nick Lush.
- Maintenance. New suggestion (check last week’s minutes) to make maintenance jobs in houses more efficient. There will be a meeting for the Maintenance Reps on the 24th at break in the Great Hall and houses should elect first year reps if the second year reps don’t want to be involved.
- University letters. University letters have been found opened in pigeon holes. These are private letters. Frances will ask Sally if they can be kept in the ACO for us to collect instead.
- Alcohol review. This is not about attacking the Code of Conduct; it is about what we can do as students to change the social aspects of the drinking culture. There will be break-out groups similar to in the Conferences (small discussion groups led by voluntary student/staff leaders) and notes of the discussions will be taken to find what we can do to solve the issues. There may be some standardised questions for all groups and then all of the feedback will be put in one final document.
Currently the suggested break-out groups are:
Drunk dorm-mates – whether it is your responsibility to contact a member of staff if you are worried about a dorm-mate/friend.
Punishments – what alternative and more constructive punishments may be for those caught drinking and whether punishment for under and over-age drunkenness should be different and how so.
Alternatives to drinking – what the most successful alternatives would be which would be fun on the weekend. Could there be more sports events in particular, as these are good at bringing all of the school together.
Origin of extreme cases – Like hospitalisation and parties which get out of hand, why do they happen?
Geography – where does the drinking take place and what are the implications of this?
First year spread – what the impact of first years starting to drink is. Why and how it happens. What can be done to those who come to AC as drinkers and influence others? Why is drinking expected and why does it become a habit?
What do non-drinkers do at the weekends?

11.01.12 Staff-Student Council

John Walmsley
Alcohol review
Alcohol alternative initiatives
Light outside Bradenstoke
Face-to-Face activities
Printing credits
Night Staff contact

John Walmsley. Is excited to work with us J

Alcohol review. The date for the Alcohol review is Thursday 26th January 4:30 – 5:30pm in the Bradenstoke Hall. New suggestions of how this should be run were that we could have a plenary when the break-out groups come back together and that this could perhaps be on another day. IF YOU WANT TO LEAD A DISCUSSION (ANYONE IS WELCOME TO, ON ANYTHING) then come to Student Council on Monday, just for five minutes. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK J

Alcohol alternative initiatives. The problem with having alternatives to alcohol at AC is that we tend to talk about them more than do them. Sarah Hamilton has come up with a Social Rep scheme 
- 2 Social Reps from each house
- Elected by the House Parents and next year with input by the current Social Reps
- They will be responsible for whole school events as opposed to the Entertainment Reps who are responsible mainly for in-house activities
- They will create a calendar of events to add to the diary to make sure there are always fun alternatives to the pub at the weekend.

Bikes. Students have had bikes/ bike parts stolen over break. We have four bike-sheds and we suggested putting gates with locks on them. The Staff suggested the crime was less during term time and that bikes be stored in the houses over breaks.

Light outside Bradenstoke. Will be sorted by the end of the week and there is also now one on the concrete path up from the seafront.

Face-to-Face Activities. We discussed whether more face-to-face activities would be possible. The problem is having enough transport. We suggested that Services focus on increasing the amount of face-to-face i.e. MEMS working Brownies and more one-off sessions like litterpicks, story reading etc. One of John’s aims was to have more contact with local schools . The netball team in Llantwit and Transition Llantwit – a sustainability project say that AC students are always welcome. Also, if students can organize events the school are happy to support them.

Printing credits clarification. Different amounts of printing credits are given depending on how much coursework the term has i.e. third term has most credits. IF STUDENTS NEED THINGS PRINTING FOR ACTIVITIES, STUDENTS SHOULD EMAIL ELECTRONIC COPIES OF THE DOCUMENT TO ADRIAN WHO WILL PRINT.

Maintenance. The ‘maintenance book’ idea or a similar system should be organised with the Maintenance Staff.

Night Staff contact. The Staff and Night Staff agree that Night Staff contact in an emergency is a problem and think a pager or a walky-talky linked to the main phone system is the most likely solution. The Senior Staff said that in a real emergency it is acceptable to contact any member of staff on campus.
There is no mobile coverage on 2/3 campus which is a problem in emergencies. Maintenance are looking at introducing walky - talkies which can be contacted from any internal phone and also at pagers similar to ILB have. In terms of ambulance and medical response, there is no way we can increase how outside people can get to us as we are so remote but the current response time is around 45 minutes and the Staff consider that to be fairly good.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Student Council Minutes 09.01.12.

Pentti Kouri – Maisie, Andy
Morgannwg – Sara
Powys – Gerry, Shreya
Gwynedd – Karl, Laura
Whitaker – Tim
Tice – Emma, Miriam
Sunley – Theo

* Mubarak and Hannah
* Lost and Found system
* Graduation Reps
* Thematic Discussion
* Night Staff contact
* Alcohol review
* Bikes
* £5 printing credits
* Review of activity choosing process
* Maintenance
* Staff-Student Council Agenda

- Mubarak and Hannah. Less than half school voted and the votes gave pretty even results for the three songs. We flipped a coin and the song will be ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ by Queen.


* Graduation Reps. The Graduation Reps are now organised and are working together.

* Thematic discussion. There will no longer be an Induction review. Now that John Walmsley is here, the Service one can be organised at some point soon.

* Night Staff Contact. There has been a problem with contacting Night Staff quickly enough in emergencies over the past term and we want to find a way to change this. See Staff-Student Council minutes later, for details.

* Alcohol review. We organised a date for the review of the use of alcohol at AC which will be a whole-school discussion separated into small break-out groups, similar to in the AC Diploma conferences. Details to be confirmed.

* Bikes. People have had bikes destroyed and tampered with last term and over the holidays. We will take this issue to Staff-Student Council to find a better alternative.

* Printing Credits. We want to clarify how printing credits are assigned each term as the amount seems to alternate. This will be clarified at Staff-Student Council.

* Review of activity choosing process. We discussed whether unofficial activities can count towards CAS requirements. THEY CAN. JUST TELL YOUR TUTOR THAT YOU HAVE COMMITTED TO SOMETHING AND GET THEM TO CHECK WITH THE ACTIVITY LEADERS IF THEY WANT MORE DETAILS.

* Maintenance Staff. Maintenance problems in the houses often take a long time to fix and there is a difference in how well Maintenance issues are organised in each house. We will suggest a system that worked well in PK to Staff-Student Council which is to have a book with the issue, dorm, date requested and date fixed that could keep a better monitoring of issues at hand.

* Staff Student Council Agenda
Alcohol review
Alcohol alternative initiatives
Light outside Bradenstoke
Face-to-Face Activities
Printing credits clarification
Night Staff contact