Wednesday 2 November 2011


- House Reps.
- Year Rep/ Graduation Reps.
- Religious Survey.
- Security.
- Thematic Update.
- Staff-Student Agenda.

- House Reps. This Sunday first year House Reps will be elected.

- Year Rep/ Graduation Reps. This Sunday Graduation Reps will be elected and probably from those a Year Rep will be elected. Graduation Reps will have a lot of responsibility towards the end of the year so should be prepared for this.

- Religious Survey. Still waiting for some results.

- Security. See Staff-Student Council agenda.

- Thematic Update. David Hills has said he is available for a Wifi discussion on Tuesday.

- Staff-Student Agenda.
-          Security (Solveig). Following the recent events concerning security, Student Council would like to discuss the possibility of new security procedures such as emergency phones in the academic blocks, coffee lounge, gym etc. or coded locks on for example, the computer lab where there is a lot of expensive equipment.

-          Class Rubric (Andy). Summary sheets from each subject concerning specifics of the course and class were discussed as a possibility for new first years. Student Council were wondering if this could be a possibility for the future.

-          August Period/ Induction Feedback (Tom). Student Council would like to discuss results of collecting feedback about this time.

-          Project Week (Laura). Student Council would like to discuss possible alterations to the Project Week sign-down process for the future such as more time for decision making, having only one preference (could instead possibly be done like Service sign-down) and making it clearer who has priority on projects.


-          Night Report. Student Council would like clarification as to whether the night report will be sent to all teaching staff in future and if so, why?

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