Tuesday 8 November 2011

Student Council 07.11.11.

Pentti Kouri – Andy, Maisie
Morgannwg – Maria, Sara
Powys – Gerry, Shreya
Gwynedd – Carl, Juan
Whitaker – Tim, Albert
Tice – Miriam, Emma, Tom
Sunley – Theo, Eliza

- Lipdub
- Duty house
- New Rules

Lipdub. Various groups are working on this (Maria Osman, Hannah Platzer, Link Group, Mubarak Sanni, Rune Mortensen, Bill Drexel). Rune and Bill will set up a meeting with the Development Office.

Duty house. Discussed the proposal of a rota for duty house for just when there are events such as SATs and weddings (as opposed to being on rota when there are no events) to share the workload more fairly. This will go to Staff-Student Council.

New rules. i.e. needing permission to work 11:30-12:30 and not being able to work after this. Student Council are co-ordinating a system to deal with this problem. One thing we will take to Staff-Student Council is that the bigger problem here is that staff are implementing rules without the students having any knowledge beforehand.

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