Tuesday 29 November 2011

Student Council 28.11.11.

PK - Maisie
Morgannwg - Sara
Powys – Shreya, Gerry, Shanna
Gwynedd – Juan, Karl
Whitaker – Tim, Albert
Tice – Emma, Miriam, Tom
Sunley – Eliza, Theo, Rebecca
* House inspections
* Graduation Reps
* Paul Motte leaving
* New rules
* Alcohol
* Pastoral review
* Drunk bitches
* Health Centre staff absence from Health Centre

House inspections. Frances will ask Houseparents to clarify at House Meeting the policy of House Inspections that happen each Monday and to put up a summary of the policy on the noticeboards.

Graduation reps. Clara, Tom, India, Rebecca, Marlene, Carys B, Manin, Ilya, Laurens are this year’s Graduation Reps and will be emailed to remind them to meet with the Development Office to begin working on their tasks.

Paul Motte leaving. We’re planning things… Ice Ice Baby…

New rules. Another long discussion. Next Staff-Student Council we will discuss why often now the system of ‘warnings’ goes straight to stricter punishments, whether and why there may be more house inspections, the point that the infliction of suspensions is too wide and is not reserved for extreme cases anymore, possible alternative punishments, concern of the frequency of Night Staff visits to dorms.

Alcohol. Rune will email Nick Lush to confirm a date for a discussion/review, possible after Christmas.

Pastoral review. Last year the review of the pastoral care system was a survey in house meeting. This year it was suggested that something more structured would be useful and if there was a survey again, students should be reminded to fill it out sensibly and maturely as there were problems concerning this last year and the surveys weren’t taken seriously. Bill will email Nick Lush to find out the details of this.

Drunken dorm-mates/ friends. We discussed the issue of whether dorm-mates/ friends should tell the Houseparents or Night Staff if someone is too drunk. We decided to bring this up in the alcohol discussion once this is scheduled.

Health Centre staff absence from Health Centre. Sometimes the staff are not there and there is no warning beforehand that they won’t be. Emma will email the nurses to ask them to notify us more clearly of times they will be absent.

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