Sunday 27 November 2011

Staff-Student Council 27.11.11.

PK – Andy,
Morg – Sara, Paul
Powys – Shreya, Gerry
Gwyn - Karl
Whit - Tim
Tice – Miriam, Emma
Sun – Eliza, Theo
- Alcohol review
- Duty House
- Lost and Found
- Night Reports
- Late night visits Night Staff
- New rules

Alcohol review. The Senior Staff said they would look into organising a whole college event before Christmas where we could continue discussion on solutions to the drinking culture.

Duty House. The Senior Staff felt that making a rota for Duty House in which houses were assigned to events instead of every weekend would be unnecessary stress and would not always work because of unforeseen events etc.

Lost and found. The Senior Staff said that it would be a good idea to have all lost and found items sent to Julie and that the cleaning staff etc should be warned of this. They suggested a trial next term. There could also be a list to check items in and out so that people can check for their items easily.

Night Reports. We asked for clarification of what it meant that night reports being sent to teachers would be suspended ‘for now’. The Senior Staff said that it would continue not to be sent unless something happened which meant they felt it was necessary to start sending them again. If it would come back, they said the reasons would be properly explained.

Late night visits Night Staff. The Senior Staff said they would clarify the Night Staff policies by email. A male Night Staff can enter a female dorm but there are always at least one female Night Staffs on duty so it would normally be a female. They enter only if they are concerned there is a problem in the dorm and usually only if invited in (unless the situation is urgent). The Senior Staff said the Night Staff are very sensitive towards doing this but if there is a problem with any of the Staff at Atlantic College, Senior Staff need to be made aware of it.

New rules. The Senior Staff said that the issue of having to ask house parents for permission vs. being asked for permission wasn’t a big one and that being asked might encourage students to take the opportunity as the norm.

The Senior Staff agreed that more structured, positive solutions should be put in place as punishments for breaking the new night-studying rules though, such as meetings with teachers, tutors and house parents and help to make strategic plans to break such habits. They still stuck by gating as a positive measure in certain cases.

Finally, they said that when the new rules were started, they weren’t seen as new rules since before this ‘lights out’ was technically 11:30 – they saw it merely as an adjustment to how current rules are implemented but apologised for the way students weren’t warned about this and said that a positive alternative to the way it was done would be to have a meeting with all first year students and staff near the end of the year if there is a need to discuss changes in the Code of Conduct.

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