Wednesday 23 November 2011

Student Council Minutes 21.11.11.

Pentti Kouri – Andy, Maisie
Morgannwg – Maria, Sara
Powys – Shreya, Gerry
Gwynedd – Juan, Karl
Whitaker – Albert, Tim
Tice – Miriam, Emma, Tom
Sunley – Eliza, Theo
* Vincent
* Light outside the Bradenstoke entrance
* Meat free Mondays
* Staff-Student Council Agenda

Vincent and Hannah. Want to get AC involved in the Workers’ Rights Consortium which looks at all the school’s suppliers for bedsheets, uniforms etc and then sends information on other suppliers in a similar category of cost but with better working conditions. This will be explained to everyone in house meeting and if students agree with the cause, Vincent and Hannah will work the Senior Staff about this.

Light outside the Bradenstoke entrance. Rune spoke to Maintenance about the light outside the Bradenstoke entrance to Top Lawn. They are fixing it at the moment.

Meat-free Mondays. The result of the house votes were 186 for and 91 against. There will be a meeting at some point to openly debate the issue. The feeling is that meat-free Monday has evolved from its original aim and is no longer a symbol of the unity of our school. Most agreed that the best way to tackle this would be to take it away and re-educate people before finding a new solution.

Inspector visit. One of the inspectors sat in our meeting and asked us questions on how well the school prepared us before arrival to come to AC, what support we get during our first few weeks and then throughout the rest of our time here and to prepare us for leaving.

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